UNICORN gift guide.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Hey my little sugar plum fairies...ok cringe I know but totally fitting for this post, while searching for things to put on my Christmas guides I came across sooo many unicorn themed presents and you know that inner child in me just could not deal with it, so I decided to create a Christmas gift guide based purely on unicorns....so yeah, enjoy!
1) U N I C O R N S L I P P E R S // £12
{if you're a student also then keep your eyes peeled as misguided tend to have crazy discount days!}
You can find them HERE
2) U N I C O R N P E N C I L C A S E // £5
You can find it HERE
3) T A P E D I S P E N S E R // £9.18
ok hear me out, I put this on with the intentions for it to be used as eyeshadow gauss...clever aye
You can find it HERE
4) L.E.D U N I C O R N L I G H T // £9.99
You can find it HERE
5) U N I C O R N F U N D P U R S E // £4.99
You can find it HERE
6) T A K E O U T C O F F E E C U P // £4
You can find it HERE
7) U N I C O R N H A N D W A R M E R S // £3
You can find it HERE
8) U N I C O R N S H O W E R C A P // £6
You can find it HERE
9) 45' U N I C O R N S O F T T O Y // £29.99
You can find it HERE
10) U N I C O R N P J ' S // £18
You can fine them HERE
Christmas gifts
gift guide
gifts for teens
giyl pink gift guide
unicorn cup
unicorn pj's
unicorn shower cap
unicorn slippers
unicorn tape
Female Christmas gift guide! Under £20
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Lets just pretend for one second that I didn't start these Christmas gift guides in August... Ive said it once and no doubt ill say it seven times more but I absolutely well and truly ADORE Christmas, so I'm obviously in my element creating gift guide posts!
I want to do a few of these for all age ranges so keep yo eyes peeled for more.

I feel like this is the perfect gift for any female in your life, weather it's to strut round town on a Friday night with or just to chuck your keys in and nip to the shop, every girl needs a small bag in her life.
One I have found which would be perfect is the 'Roxy chain clutch' from KOKO Coture, as its black it will go with pretty much anything but it is available in other colours...and the best part? It's only £18.99! How crazy is that? The bag is a great size and comes with a longer shoulder strap so perfect for any occasions.
You can find it HERE
I wanted to include a makeup item but obviously not everyone wears makeup, so I thought a highlight palette will be perfect as even if you're not into that full face glam you can still pop a bit on your cheekbone and look refreshed. This one is £10 from Makeup Revolution and is a dupe for the Anastasia glow kits!
You can find it HERE
Credit for this one has to go to my boyfriend as it was his brill idea, but an illuminated mirror like this one is an esscential for anyone any age. Growing up my Nan always had one of these in her bathroom and I remember always being so amazed by it and how surprisingly luxurious it looked just by turning on some blue lights, I now have one in my beauty room and my mother in law has one in her bedroom!
I like this one in particular as you do have the option to unplug it and install batteries if you don't have a plug socket near by, it's also on sale at the minute for £19.99 and available in a copper colour!
You can find it HERE
A B L A N K ET / T H R O W
I personally absolutely love being given blankets and throws for Christmas, it's the perfect present for someone no matter how well you know them and this year I will be gifting one to my mother in law, my boyfriend and my grandad. There are so many styles and textures but my favourite by far has to be the mock fur ones or plush ones in any shade of brown, obviously the thick mock real fur ones are over our £20 budget (surprisingly some only over by £5) but I found this gorgeous plush one for £16.99 at TKMax which I think is perfect for both genders.
You can find it HERE
P J ' S
Of course I couldn't do a Christmas gift guide for women and not include pj's?! I'm yet to have a Christmas yet where I haven't received a set and I'm not complaining, it's such a nice feeling going to bed, or lets be real here even spending the whole day in a nice fresh pair of pj's. I personally like the cuffed bottom and log sleeve top sets but there are so many out there around Christmas time that this is a fool proof present, and if you're not sure on the size then go one size up from what you think it is, because then you can say 'I always get a bigger size in pj's to be cosy'.
The set I have chosen for this post is from ASDA for £12 but if they're not for you then honestly absolutely everywhere will be selling them now so shop around!
You can find them HERE
I was going to stop at 5 but then I couldn't not include this item as it's again so foolproof, every single female needs a purse, and even if they don't need one right now they will eventually want a new one so it's a great gift to give someone at Christmas. I personally love RiverIsland purses which retail for around £17 but so many places sell them that you'll be sure to find the right one. Also a perfect gift if you don't know the person that well as you can always just go with a plain black or white one.
You can find the one I found HERE
I hope this has been some help to you because it's been so much fun to make, anyone who knows me knows I adore Christmas so I'll be doing plenty of gift guides over the season for all budgets!
October favourites
Thursday, 10 November 2016
I don't normally do favourite posts as I tend to stick to the same things every month but in October I found a love for so many new things, plus, I just love photographing pictures with leaves in the background so yeah, here goes...
B L A N K E T S C A L F.
A blanket scalf is an absolute staple for fall and winter, not only does it keep you toastie but it also turns that plain black dress into a well thought off outfit, well, so people will think anyway!
My one in particular was from primark last year but honestly there are so many nice ones out right now, especially in places like H&M and River Island.
Growimg up I was always that kid that was absolutely disgusted in the fact that my friends had boxes of raisins in their lunch box as a treat, and don't even get me started on how much it upset me finding them in a cookie, but recently I've been absolutely loving them! When I'm nervous I find having something to chew on makes me feel at ease and chewing gum is great and all but then you have to dispose of it after 5 minutes so I've started carrying round a box of raisins with me and yeah that's that.
I'm 99% sure I've raved about village candle over Yankee candle too many times already so ima just skip over that this time, but if you know, you know.
This one in particular is in the scent vanilla caramel swirl and guys, I literally can't even describe it to you but just know it smells absolutely incredible, it smells like warm food cooking at Christmas and if you are yet to try a village candle, let it be this one!
I am unbelivebly picky when it comes to choosing a perfume that won't give me a headache so the fact I've actually nearly used this whole bottle is such a big deal, well to me anyway, but I'm so in love with the scent of the 'killer queen' perfume.
Im not even going to try and describe the scent to you because like honestly, I have no idea but the only other perfume I actually like is Armarni diamonds (the black one) but it's so expensive where as this is around £20 from Superdrug.
This is again another shock product for me as in the past I've found these type of brow pencils impossible to use and was so reluctant to pay £16 for another disappointment but I must say I've actually been loving it, I brought the shades chocolate and dark
Brown as I wasn't sure which would work best and I tend to just mix them together for multi tonal brows.
I brought mine from BeautyBay but I'm sure Cult beauty also stock them!
So yeah (I've said that so much lately) these are my October favourites which knowing me I'll probably hate next month, let me know in the comments if you've tried any of these products\..things and be sure to let me know what you're favourites was this month!
Also I just wanted to mention that the next few posts will be Christmas gift guides!
TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
I feel like there was such a big hype over the sweet peach palette that everyone felt they had to give it a good review and rave about it, I managed to get one when they were first released in Debenhams so I thought Its only right I do a completely honest review so when it gets re released people won't just be blind buying it like I did!🐚
* To have a bigger high quality version of any image just click on it*
* To have a bigger high quality version of any image just click on it*
So first let's talk about the palette itself in basic terms, it was £39 like the other palettes this size and contains 18 shades at 0.03OZ each,. I have to say I'm not really a fan off the too faced tin packaging, I absolutely adore the colours and ombré effect don't get me wrong but I feel the noise and the factory feel off the tin makes me feel like my shades will smash easily...anyone else? haha. I think the colour choices are spot on, there's really not one shade in the palette I wouldn't use and the shades that I normally would steer away from, the help booklet shows a way in which I can use them so for shade choices, it has to be a 10/10.
Now the palettes USP, the peachy smell🍑 The smell is so strong I can promise you that, I was kind of disappointed with the strength of the chocolate sent in the other palettes but I can defiantly confirm this one smells of peaches, to be honest I think it may even be too strong. I myself don't really like fruity smells so I regrettably have this in the back of my draw to block the scent, and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that don't like the peachy scent, hopefully on the next palette they will find a kind of middle ground with the scent strength, but then again that could just be me, because I'm damm sure I wouldn't be complaining. If the chocolate scent was this strong hahah!
In case you are unsure the palette is inspired by the peach fruit and not just the colour, hence the few purple toned shades...which I'm not mad at.
Last but most certainly not least, swatches, I've found with the other palettes there's always one or two shades that are patchy, which yeah I guess you get that with every palette but for £40 you shouldn't be, idk just my opinion! I will swatch a row at a time starting top to bottom twice, I always use urban decay (completely having a mind fizzle and forgot what it's called) primer when doing an eye look so it's only right I do a swatch with a primer base as well, plus I find Too faced shadows tend to worth better with the help of a primer.
In case you are unsure the palette is inspired by the peach fruit and not just the colour, hence the few purple toned shades...which I'm not mad at.

My favourite shade out the whole palette has to be 'summer yum' It's such a diverse colour and in my option is has be best formulae in the palette, Nector and Just Peachy And are also up there with my faves as well as Bless her heart.
The colours that don't impress me much (shamelessly sang that as Shania Twain) are sadly Georgia, Talk Derby to me And Charmed I'm sure, this is because I wasn't happy with the formulae, I think the problem with Georgia is that it is too similar to my skin tone but Talk Derby to me and Charmed are a major disappointment, the shadows were chalky and didn't really show up well at all.
To make sure I fully tested the product I decided to do an eye look, admittedly not the best as I was being rushed out the door, but enough of one to get a real feel for how the shadows worked, before I started I primed my eye with the Urban Decay primer and then set that with white peach.
To create this look I used Summer yum in the crease and then blended a mixture of Charmed I'm sure and caramelized into it, I then put Bless her heart all over the lid and Just peachy in my inner corner, to finish off the look I then softly blended a small amount of tempting into my outer V and White peach under my brow bone.
I found that the shadows blended nicely, especially summer yum and I would say the pigmentation on the eye matches the swatches, which is quite surmising as usually you find it magically disappears!

V E R D I C T .
If I tried it in store before hand would I still buy it? Ahh honestly I probably would purely for the fact it's a raved about limited edition product and I have no self restraint, but if I wasn't a makeup hoarder than I'd have to say no, it's not that the palette is bad, not at all, I just think (and this is a very personal review) that if I got to smell it before hand, combined with the one or two patchy shades and the tin packaging than I'd rather buy another palette with similar shades.
Also before I finish I kind of just wanted to ask if anyone else is a bit salty about the fact they're re releasing this as a non limited edition palette? idk, I just think that the amount of time and effort people put into getting this palette as then being so happy as it was limited edition that its kind of rude for them to just bring it back out.. but then would I be saying this if I didn't get the palette? share with me your opinions!
Let me know what you think in the comments and if you managed to get the palette first time round and what you think of it!
palette review
too faced
too faced sweet peach review
October wish list.
Thursday, 13 October 2016
This months wish list has honestly been so easy for me as its the time when the stores are slowly changing into the autumn winter stock and not only are the clothes cuter, but I find my self subconsciously drifting towards the Christmas gift set isles!
Unfortunately a lot of the things I've seen in stores are not online yet so keep an eye out for them in next months post!
1) JE F F R E E S T A R // B E A U T Y K I L L E R P A L E T T E
At first when I saw the beauty killer palette I was kinda just like, not amazed by it, I mean it looked great but a lot of the colours I knew I wouldn't use, but lately I've been loving more brighter colours and suddenly have a new appriciation for this palette!😍 I've also heard that the pan sizes are HUGE.
2) P L A T F O R M T R A I N E R S // A S O S
I have to admit, my obsession with these trainers came from seeing someone else wearing them, and the. Frantically searching social media with cocktail sticks holding my eyes open to find them!
3) B L A N K E T S C A L F // R I V E R I S L A N D
River island is one of my favourite places to shop, I trust the sizing and equaliy the quality, and is it just me or has the prices slowly got cheaper this year? A scalf is an autumn staple and a quick save for any boring outfit, also great to hide your tum if your jeans are a tiny bit too tight after that massive meal... all. The. Time.
4) T H E B O M B S H E L L // S P E C T R U M
Ok, now I know I mentioned spectrum brushes in my last wish list, but I had no idea something this beautiful was just around the corner! For near enough £80 I don't think I could ever justify it but they're nice to dream about, right?
5) T O A D S T O O L D U V E T S E T // A S D A
I'm normally so...anal...(literally can not believe I have used that word on my blog but I can't think of any other way to describe it, I feel like I need to be cleansed ahaha) about what I put in my room as its strictly black, grey and white but this is so super cute! I also find the quality of Asda bedding is brilliant and so soft!
Wait, for the first time ever I have actually committed to only 5 products, this is a first, clicks for chloe haha! I hope this has been helpful and don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you're abso dying over this month!
beauty killer
beauty killer palette
pink asos platform trainers
river island blanket scalf
wish list
Ebay Bargins! Haloween Eddition.
Friday, 7 October 2016
As an SFX artist Halloween is obviously one of my favourite times of the year, I say one of as I mean, nothing can really beat Christmas...which as you may or not have guessed already but I am overly excited for it! anyway, back to Halloween, * note to self, stop driving off topic*
I am a self proclaimed (if that's the right word) Ebay addict, its one of the things I find myself doing subconsciously when I'm bored and I mean, I don't know if ebaying can be classed a hobby but if I can, I'm Olympic level, no shame! Tell me you've found something for £21 on the high street, ill find it you for half the price on Ebay, so I decided why not share my finds with you all, and then maybe you can have them in your own watch lists for months on end just like me!
I'm hoping to do this as a bit of a series and I thought where better to start than with a Halloween edition....MWuhhhahaha...lets begin.
1) R H I N E S T O N E K I T T Y E A R S// £2.99
If you are a YouTube addict much like myself then by now you would have saw these super cute cat ear headbands, but not only are they adorable, they can also be used as a quick fix Halloween costume if you don't want to dress up too much, but still want to feel a little spooky...spooky? what am I even on about, nothing screams scary like some glittery kitten ears aye ahha but you get my jist!
you can get them HERE or by searching 'kitty headband'.
Would I be a real sfx aritsit without including a blood and gore SFX kit?! absolutely not! This was actually one of the first kits I brought when I started and I honestly still love all the tings, (spelling error but I lowkey found it hilarious) in it, especially the help booklet you get with it!
you can find it HERE or by searching 'snazaroo special fx kit'.
3) C H O K E R N E C K L A C E // 99P
Another item that has been absolutely everywhere lately and again, over priced on the high street, I mean, its literally a bit of fabric, how can people be charging £10 +? These are great for all year round but great for Halloween!
you can find it HERE or by searching 'choker necklace'.
4) B R I G H T C O L O U R E D W I G S // £3.97
One of the easiest ways to chuck together a DIY costume is with a bight coloured wig, and for £4 its probably one of the cheapest ways as well, be aware they are synthetic but for one night wear its probably not going to be a problem! These will also be great for insta makeup pics, I got you guys.
you can find it HERE or by searching 'pink wig'.
5) C H E A T E R B O D Y S U I T // £5.89
Ebay honestly sells some great clothes, some better than others...a lot better, but when you find a good thing its almost like your first child being born, and with that said, I found this great bodysuit for under £6! My fave thing about this is that they actually do sizes over size 10, WHEY!
you can find it HERE of by searching 'bodysuit'.
6) I P H O N E P H O N E C A S E // £1.79
Last but not least, would it be autumn without a new autumnal phone case? I am honestly one of the clumsiest people ever so a phone case is a weekly purchase...do you feel me? for £1.79 I think I may as well just buy every single one.
you can find it HERE of by searching 'Halloween phone case'.
I always intend to only do 5 things and end up adding more, I found so much more but I did have to restrain myself! let me know if you enjoy this series so I can do more because I am DYING to do a beauty tools one. I'm planning on doing a lot of like 'wishlist' type posts coming up to Christmas because I know the struggle of having absolutely no idea what to buy!
D I S C L A I M E R // You may be able to find some of these items cheaper, if that's the case its most likely because the ones I have chosen are fast delivery or a UK distributor., alternatively, you are just a better searcher than me!
bargain finds
costume idea's
eBay blogger
eBay finds
Halloween costumes
sfx artist
Thursday, 29 September 2016
![]() |
Picture is completely irrelevant guys haha |
You know in movies where the person has just been badly hurt and they fall to the ground, but the busy street around them just carries on but in a dull slow motion, and the person is just staring with a blank mind...that is how I would describe my last few weeks, im waiting on someone to shake me and wake me up, im waiting for someone to atleast notice I've fell to the ground... it's hard to even describe how I feel because tbh, I don't feel anything, -anything at all.
I've always wanted my blog to be a happy place, and believe me it will be, but I also think it's important to not sit in silence and just wait for things to get better, talking helps, which is funny when you think about it because with my anxiety talking is something that I dread, but talking to someone that can't talk back, can't laugh at me, talking without trying to force eye contact, it just makes me feel releaved.
I just feel so lost lately, like I'm falling apart but nobody even notices, how can the people who love me not see that I'm a wreck? I just feel like everyone is out to get me, nobody wants me around and that I'm just a waste of space, I have no use. I feel like my life is stuck on pause, and I know this is probably over dramatic, and I know next week I'll be fine again and reading this like what...but it's important to show that everyone has bad days, weeks or even years
I'm sorry if I've been MIA lately,
With love, clo
anxiety blog
anxiety motivation.
feeling down
Top 6 free planner printables
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
As someone that suffers from an anxiety disorder I find making lists and having everything planned really helps me stay calm, whether its packing to go on a trip or just dying my hair I have to have it all scheduled and prepared...although 90% of the time I forget to do nearly everything on it!
while searching for a good 'To do' list planner I came across an ocean of blog planning kits, as you can imagine my little brain was over joyed! so I have decided to share my favourites with you!
I also have a full to the brim bored full of these on pintrest if you want more, you can find me at 'clolaurenn'.
* d i s c l a i m e r - I do not take credit for any of these blog planners nor the images, They were all found on pintrest and the links will take you to the creditable site.
I hope this post has helped you as much as it has helped me! I am planning on doing a free sticker printables if that's something anyone would be interested in? let me know!
until next time, clo x
beautyblogger help
blog planning
free planner printables
happy planner
plan with me
planner printables
Shadow Swatch Review.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
M A K E U P H A C K O R W A C K ?
So if you're anything like me, the thought alone of cleaning your brushes makes you want to chuck them all in the bin and start fresh, am I right? cleaning brushes is an absolute chore and to this day I am yet to meet anyone that actually gets a kick out of it, and if you're reading this and you do, then how much do you charge per hour? hashtag, slide into my dm's.
what also makes me want to bang my head against the door is when my all time favourite blending brush, shoutout to you morphe 330, is still covered in bright pink shadow from yesterday makeup...but could there be a simple solution?
Ladies, Gents, I may have found our knight in shining armour. . .
I was lucky enough to be sent the beauty essentials 'Shadow Switch' by the guys at DEE&CO and after trying it out for myself I couldn't wait to tell you all about it!
I was lucky enough to be sent the beauty essentials 'Shadow Switch' by the guys at DEE&CO and after trying it out for myself I couldn't wait to tell you all about it!
Before I get into it please be aware that the shadow switch I received does have the old packaging but I shall insert some pictures of the snazzy new packaging at the end for you to feast your eyes on.
Now, I could witter on for ages about how this works and what to do but honestly, its so newb friendly and easy to use that all you have to do is swirl your brush in the black insert and bobs your uncle, a clean brush ready to carry on using.
I decided to really put this to the test and try cleaning different brushes with different coloured eyeshadows on to see how clean they get, although obviously this is not an alternative to deep cleaning your brushes, to completely remove colour stains your brushes will still need to be deep cleaned regularly.
T E S T 1//
T E S T 3//
I mean, the photos show themselves how great this product is, the shadow switch wont remove the staining on the brush from the eyeshadow but It does remove 100% of the actual product and previous build up so you can go from a bright pink to a cream without any worry of the colours blending.
I absolutely think this is a beauty essential and every makeup lover needs one, especially when they cost as little as £5.99!
All of the life hack Beauty Essentials products will soon be available on Sephora and on their own website but until then you are able to buy the shadow switch here. and I highly recommend that you do!
please comment bellow any recommendations you have for me to try out or any review requests, also to make sure you never miss a post from me be sure to follow me on bloglovin (xvousetesbelle)
until next time, clo x
beauty hack
hack or wack
micheal kors
shadow switch
Makeup revolution 'hot summer of love' bronzer review.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
I absolutely love finding amazing products for dead cheap prices, so naturally when I do I immediately want to tell everyone about it, especially when its a potential dupe! makeup revolution are..is? anyway, they are a drugstore brand here in the uk and I believe they ship worldwide!
First of all, can we just take a moment to appreciate the overwhelming cuteness of the packaging? I mean come on if that doesn't scream display me on your dresser than I don't know what does.
I feel like the first thing I should address is that this is obviously inspired by the TooFaced cosmetics sweetheart bronzers and blushes which retail for around £25, makeup revolution are famous for their wide range of amazing dupes for high end products with pocket money price tags and the summer of love bronzer is no exception being sold for only £4.99! crazy right? Same price as an airport meal deal, and I defiantly know which id go for...unless it was tuna mayo, tuna mayo will always come up trumps, sorry MUR.
![]() |
The furthest shade to the left is all of the shades mixed together, the furthest shade to the right however, was an accident so please ignore it haha! |
I always tend to apply shimmery bronzers on the edge of my cheek bones after I've done the rest of my makeup to finish it off, I find it gives me the nicest sun kissed glow without making me look blotchy, which btw it one of my favourite words...blotchy, am I ok?* laughing face emoji*
But, not only have I been loving this bronzer as a bronzer but Its also been great to do a quick eye look with, I'm all for the bronzed goddess look and with a light medium and dark shade I'm able to achieve that, and I must say it blends so easily, even for a newb like me!
The formulae of the bronzer is on par with the TooFaced sweetheart bronzer, it blends like an absolute dream which makes it kinda impossible to over do it and make yourself look like you did in year 9...don't deny it, it happened to all of us!
The verdict please.
For £4.99 I recommend you at least give this bronzer a go, I personally love it not just for its packaging but for the actual product as well, although I shamelessly would buy this for just the packaging, judge me!
I also believe it has a lighter shade which is just 'summer of love' for you lighter skinned beauties.
You can find the hot summer of love bronzer here.
please comment bellow any recommendations you have for me to try out or any review requests, also to make sure you never miss a post from me be sure to follow me on bloglovin (xvousetesbelle)
until next time, clo x
hot summer of love
September wish list.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
I have a love hate relationship with wish lists posts and videos, I love them because they are great for gift ideas, and I hate them because I get serious fomo and end up increasing my basket total, this morning I wasn't feeling very motivated to do any of my current blog plans so decided to do some retail therapy instead, which then led me into thinking, I may as well share with the wold what I'm currently not having lunch at college to be able to buy... because I mean, the whole world desperate wants to know what a unknown 19 year old wants...right?
Similar to every other person on this planet there is a lot of things that I'm currently wanting, so trying to pick only 5 things was as you can imagine a near to impossible task, but being the trooper that I am, I just about managed it...although still debating over weather the 'unicorn fund' puse should have made the cut.
Its also my very fastly...is that even a word? coming up to Christmas, which kinda makes me wee a little with excitement not going to lie, (16 weeks and counting, can I put up my tree yet?) so if you have recently done a wish list post of video then please feel free to leave the link in the comments so I can fill my ever so little brain with ideas!
Until recently I had no interest at all in Jeffree Star cosmetics, of course I had heard of it and knew of the products but to me, someone who doesn't really like bright lip colours, they didn't appeal to me, that was until beauty bay started stocking them last week.
as soon as I saw the new products alert the fomo adrenaline took over my body an before I knew it I was selecting my colour, I never realised they did nude colours as well as the out there blues and purples, after googling some swatches I fell in love with posh spice...and it was at that moment, it went out of stock!
you can find it here for £16
I can not even express to you guys how long it took me to decide what candle to feature in this post, it was like the final stages on the xfactor but after a very tough boot camp at the judges houses, warm buttered bread was crowned the winner.
I don't know about you but I always have a candle burning, I find they help me remember moments in my life i would have ordinarily forgot about, like for example the candle 'brownie delight' reminds me of the snot bubble of 2015 incident because it was burning at the time...does anyone else have that? obviously not the snot bubble, I hope!
village candles are a good alternative, if not better than Yankee candles, they have a lot more creative fragrances for half the price, and I aint mad at that!
you can find it here for £15
I'm lucky enough to have a really nice white makeup set up, I have the Ikea malm dresser with the Alex 9 draws and all my makeup is categorically sorted away, but if you think id be normal and do my makeup there every morning than you would be wrong! I use the exact same makeup every single day which I keep by my bed in a tatty Ted Baker makeup bag which has seen..saw.., idk, but my point it that its had better days and I could really do with a new one.
Wiko's is 100% the underdog of the makeup world, some of my all time favourite makeup purchases have been from there including the prime of your life primer mentioned in a previous post and their brand new range of beige and gold makeup brushes, also does anyone else remember it being called 'wlkinsons' or have I made that up?
you can find it here for, wait for it, £3!
I'm sure if you are active on social media's you would have fo show seen these trainers while on your daily feed scroll, i'm not sure who exactly started the trend (as most trends are started by a celebrity) but these are the new 'cool' trainers to have.
with a hefty price tag i'm sure you can guess why these are on my wish list and not actually owned by me, they retail for around £70-£150 depending on your shoe size and the popularity of the colour, and aint nobody got time for that! im sure these will stay on my wish list for a very long time but they are defiantly the current trainers I'm dying over!
you can find it here for £70.
If you have not already heard of the Glam Clam then you must of been living under a, glam..clam ( I hate myself for that awful joke) but back to my point, spectrum brushes are by far the most insta worth brushes around making them a beauty blogger necessity, they go great with marble.
I've recently brought the plain blue and pink 8 piece and 4 piece sets which I must say I'm really impressed with, not only do they look good they are also good quality as well, much better than the cheaper alternative which in my opinion is real techniques.
Blah blah blah I've wondered off trail yet again haha no surprise there! The marbleous collection has recently came available on beauty bay and is any makeup bloggers dream, who can say no to some white and gold makeup brushes?
you can find it here for £35
Last but not least is something that I feel like everyone has but lil old me, which is suprising considering I'm more than happy to take any help I an get to look better in selfies, doublio chinio's be gone..o!
This one from coconut lane is a great dupe to the kim k LUMI seflie cases and is available In plenty of colours including rose gold, silver and bright pink!
you can find it here for £20, OR you could use the code 'CLO20' getting 20% off making it literally only £16, did someone say bargin?
so that's my wish list for this month! be sure to comment bellow what yours are so I can add them to my never ending want list haha, also to make sure you never miss a post from me be sure to follow me on bloglovin (xvousetesbelle)
until next time, clo x
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Cargo Cosmetics palette review.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
cargo cosmetics 'Shanghai nights' palette.
Packaging, price and external details.
Girls, guys, let me introduce you to this little beauty that cargo cosmetics kindly brought into our world, it goes by the name of the shanghai nights palette.
This palette retails for around £35 and among other places can be purchased on Beauty Bay, I've been told by a few people that they are able to find this in their local TK- MAX for...wait for it... £9.99! so its defiantly worth just checking in there first as you could save yourself a massive £25, but I mean lets be honest, it will only be spent on more makeup anyway!
The packaging alone is simply gorgeous, this is my first product from cargo and I must say I'm very impressed! I don't know about you but I think packaging is equally important as the actual product because I mean, the product could be amazing but if it smashes while you're walking the dog? The Too Faced chocolate bars are a prime example of this, the tin packaging makes the palettes very prone to breaking.
This to me is my perfect packaging, I feel like if I took this traveling there's no way my shadows would smash but it's also magnetic and has a flexible hinge so the 'lid' bends right back, much like the naked 1 palette!
The palette also has a fairly large mirror which to me is very important in a palette, it doesn't bother me as much in blushes/foundations etc, but in an eyeshadow palate I feel like they are vital, most palettes are chunky enough as it is without having to carry round a decent sized mirror as well...can I get a 'hell yeah'?
Inside the palette!
This beauty has 12 unique shades including,
4 mattes// (Wai Tai, Skyline, Bund and Hu),
5 metallic shades// (Lychee, Jin Mao, Street Style, Ginger, Jade),
2 // satin shades (Neon, Bar Rouge)
1 glitter shade// (Night Life) .
This palette is so versatile, the choice of shades means you have the option of creating both a neutral or dramatic look which again makes it great for traveling, although if you are anything like me, you will still end up taking 4 other palettes knowing full well you wont use them, just in case!
Each pan contains 0.8g (or 0.03oz) which is slightly less than a mac single shadow so a fairly good size considering each shade works out at just under £3 compared to £10 in mac. The palette also comes with a double ended brush but sadly being the idiot i am i forgot to take a picture, my brush actually broke before i used it but ive glued it back together and its an ok brush, one side is a fluffy brush and the other is a thick brow like brush!
The inside of this palette kinda gives me Anastasia of Beverly Hills feels but I don't think it's suppose to be a dupe for it, although I could be wrong so let me know I'm the comments.
As you can probably tell the shade 'ginger' is my favourite and I've used it for the last week every single day, it's such a beautiful shade for summer and even though the heat it's clung on, 'hu' is another great one for an all over base as its light enough to make the colours pop without making you look like you've decided you want that drag queen glam!
As you can probably tell the shade 'ginger' is my favourite and I've used it for the last week every single day, it's such a beautiful shade for summer and even though the heat it's clung on, 'hu' is another great one for an all over base as its light enough to make the colours pop without making you look like you've decided you want that drag queen glam!
Before we get into the swatches I just wanted to say, please excuse my god awful fake tan in this picture, I can assure you it didn't look that bad in person (it defiantly did who am I kidding?).
The swatches are just one minimal pressure single swipe of the shadow with no shadow base or primer underneath so as you can see the colour payoff is very impressive, something which I didn't expect, for some reason I expected them to be lacking pigmentation and just have like a glittery top layer, oh how wrong I was!
On first impressions I found that the shades are incredibly buttery and 99% of the shades had an even pay off which is buildable, I also didn't get any fall out from any of the shades which to me is important as i like to do my eye makeup after my foundation, (please don't shoot me beauty gurus!) so unless I'm playing the leading role in the black swan, i don't want black dots all over my face.
I especially love the formulae of the metallic shades, I would go as far as saying they are actually some of the best eyeshades I have tried, which is a very bold statement!
Now, without sounding like a picky Polly I want to talk about the problems I occurred with this palette, As you may be able to see the blue shade did come off a little streaky, this may be rectified with another layer but I cant confirm that, although I can say that it was the only shade that did come out patchy, none of the other mattes had this problem.
You may also be able to see that the second from left shade 'hu' does swatch a bit chalky, however this wasn't something I noticed when applying to my eye and I don't recall any fall out from this shade so it may just be that I picked up too much product!
Is it bosh or worth the dosh?
well I mean its pretty obvious what I'm going to say to this, yes yes yes yes! this palette is so worth your money, especially if you manage to get it for £10.
Not only is the shadow formulae to die for, the palette is clearly very well made, its hard to find the perfect travel palette but cargo have hit the nail on the head with this one.
Ahh now its down to you guys! has anyone got any other cargo products that they can recommend to me? I've been eyeing up the other palettes but its so hard to choose, although they sell themselves with packaging alone!
Thankyou for taking the time to check out my blog! until next time, have a beautiful day
clo x
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