DIY Brush pots / IKEA hack.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

 3 XL brush pots for £4? Yes please.

DIY Brush pots / IKEA hack.
  If you didn't know by now, then you need to know that ya girls cheap, I absolutely HATE spending money, so when there's an opportunity to cut corners I will... Which is where today's DIY came from!
All over Pinterest I see beautiful vanity's and white rooms, and if you don't love copper, then are you even a blogger? The problem occurred when I was searching for a nice metallic cup to hold my makeup brushes in, I found loads of choices which would be fine for anyone else, but for someone with a brush problem like mine, none were big I made my own.

Y O U   W I L L  N E E D . . . 


🖤  3 Ikea storage cups - 50p each [ Here ] 🖤

 ðŸ–¤  1 rail - £1.50 [  Here ] 🖤

🖤  metallic spray of choice - £1- £4 [ Here  *] 🖤

🖤  masking tape 🖤

🖤  newspaper  ðŸ–¤

DIY Brush pots / IKEA hack.
The first thing you need to do is decide where you want spraying, I decided to do one fully sprayed and then 2 to look like they have been dipped in gold.
 I then masking taped the top half of 2 of the pots where I didn't want the spray to go to keep it clean, as well as stuffing the inside of the pots (this step is optional).
DIY Brush pots / IKEA hack.
I then sprayed, I chose this spray from Wilko's in gold but there were plenty of other options and finishes, some pound shops also stock spray paints but at the time mine had sold out.
 I found 2 light coats worked out better than one heavy coat but either way  dries pretty quickly. I then took the masking tape off when it was half dry to prevent pulling any paint off when fully dry.
DIY Brush pots / IKEA hack.
And that's it! Fill them with whatever you like, I used brushes but these would be perfect for cotton pads, eyelashes, or things not even related to makeup like pens or screws!
 You could even cut out shapes or patterns to stick on before spraying to add more detail.

and the end result?...

I'm forever DIY'ing so if you like this type of post then let me know, also if you do try this out I would love to see so be sure to show me!

toodle pip



  1. I’m always looking for fresh ways to vamp up my makeup/vanity collections because I can’t always afford to fork out money on these insta-worthy decor pieces. 🙄😩 This is a great way to get the same girly effect without spending a fortune. Will definitely have to give this a go! Thank you 😘😘

    1. Omg yes, but my main problem was that when I did find something affordable it was too small! I’m so glad you liked my post, I was a bit unsure how people would take it, so thankyou! Deffo send me a picture if you do have a go, I’d love to see!x

  2. OMG I LOVE THESE! They look so cute and don't sound too hard to do either! xxx


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