TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

I feel like there was such a big hype over the sweet peach palette that everyone felt they had to give it a good review and rave about it, I managed to get one when they were first released in Debenhams so I thought Its only right I do a completely honest review so when it gets re released people won't just be blind buying it like I did!🐚
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TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.

So first let's talk about the palette itself in basic terms, it was £39 like the other palettes this size and contains 18 shades at 0.03OZ each,. I have to say I'm not really a fan off the too faced tin packaging, I absolutely adore the colours and ombré effect don't get me wrong but I feel the noise and the factory feel off the tin makes me feel like my shades will smash easily...anyone else? haha. I think the colour choices are spot on, there's really not one shade in the palette I wouldn't use and the shades that I normally would steer away from, the help booklet shows a way in which I can use them so for shade choices, it has to be a 10/10.


TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.
Now the palettes USP, the peachy smell🍑 The smell is so strong I can promise you that, I was kind of disappointed with the strength of the chocolate sent in the other palettes but I can defiantly confirm this one smells of peaches, to be honest I think it may even be too strong. I myself don't really like fruity smells so I regrettably have this in the back of my draw to block the scent, and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that don't like the peachy scent, hopefully on the next palette they will find a kind of middle ground with the scent strength, but then again that could just be me, because I'm damm sure I wouldn't be complaining. If the chocolate scent was this strong hahah!
In case you are unsure the palette is inspired by the peach fruit and not just the colour, hence the few purple toned shades...which I'm not mad at.


TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.Last but most certainly not least, swatches, I've found with the other palettes there's always one or two shades that are patchy, which yeah I guess you get that with every palette but for £40 you shouldn't be, idk just my opinion! I will swatch a row at a time starting top to bottom twice, I always use urban decay (completely having a mind fizzle and forgot what it's called) primer when doing an eye look so it's only right I do a swatch with a primer base as well, plus I find Too faced shadows tend to worth better with the help of a primer.


TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.
TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.

TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.

My favourite shade out the whole palette has to be 'summer yum' It's such a diverse colour and in my option is has be best formulae in the palette,  Nector and Just Peachy And are also up there with my faves as well as Bless her heart. 
The colours that don't impress me much (shamelessly sang that as  Shania Twain) are  sadly  Georgia, Talk Derby to me And  Charmed I'm sure, this is because I wasn't happy with the formulae, I think the problem with Georgia is that it is too similar to my skin tone but Talk Derby to me and Charmed are a major disappointment, the shadows were chalky and didn't really show up well at all.


TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.

To make sure I fully tested the product I decided to do an eye look, admittedly not the best as I was being rushed out the door, but enough of one to get a real feel for how the shadows worked, before I started I primed my eye with the Urban Decay primer and then set that with white peach. 
To create this look I  used Summer yum in the crease and then blended a mixture of Charmed I'm sure and caramelized into it, I then put Bless her heart all over the lid and Just peachy in my inner corner, to finish off the look I then softly blended a small amount of tempting into my outer V and White peach under my brow bone.  
I found that the shadows blended nicely, especially summer yum and I would say the pigmentation on the eye matches the swatches, which is quite surmising as usually you find it magically disappears!


TooFaced Sweet Peach Palette, Honest review.

V E R D I C T .

If I tried it in store before hand would I still buy it? Ahh honestly I probably would purely for the fact it's a raved about limited edition product and I have no self restraint, but if I wasn't a makeup hoarder than I'd have to say no, it's not that the palette is bad, not at all, I just think (and this is a very personal review) that if I got to smell it before hand, combined with the one or two patchy shades and the tin packaging than I'd rather buy another palette with similar shades. 

Also before I finish I kind of just wanted to ask if anyone else is a bit salty about the fact they're re releasing this as a non limited edition palette? idk, I just think that the amount of time and effort people put into getting this palette as then being so happy as it was limited edition that its kind of rude for them to just bring it back out.. but then would I be saying this if I didn't get the palette? share with me your opinions!


Let me know what you think in the comments and if you managed to get the palette first time round and what you think of it! 

Toodle pip

October wish list.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

This months wish list has honestly been so easy for me as its the time when the stores are slowly changing into the autumn winter stock and not only are the clothes cuter, but I find my self subconsciously drifting towards the Christmas gift set isles!
Unfortunately a lot of the things I've seen in stores are not online yet so keep an eye out for them in next months post!

1) JE F F R E E    S T A R //  B E A U T Y   K I L L E R   P A L E T T E

At first when I saw the beauty killer palette I was kinda just like, not amazed by it, I mean it looked great but a lot of the colours I knew I wouldn't use, but lately I've been loving more brighter colours and suddenly have a new appriciation for this palette!😍 I've also heard that the pan sizes are HUGE.
It's £40 I believe and can be found HERE 

2) P L A T F O R M   T R A I N E R S // A S O S

I have to admit, my obsession with these trainers came from seeing someone else wearing them, and the. Frantically searching social media with cocktail sticks holding my eyes open to find them!
You can find them HERE for £25

3) B L A N K E T   S C A L F // R I V E R   I S L A N D 

River island is one of my favourite places to shop, I trust the sizing and equaliy the quality, and is it just me or has the prices slowly got cheaper this year? A scalf is an autumn staple and a quick save for any boring outfit, also great to hide your tum  if your jeans are a tiny bit too tight after that massive meal... all. The. Time. 
You can find it HERE for £18

4) T H E   B O M B   S H E L L // S P E C T R U M 

Ok,  now I know I mentioned spectrum brushes in my last wish list, but I had no idea something this beautiful was just around the corner! For near enough £80 I don't think I could ever justify it but they're nice to dream about, right? 
You can find them HERE for £79.99

5) T O A D S T O O L   D U V E T   S E T // A S D A 

I'm normally so...anal...(literally can not believe I have used that word on my blog but I can't think of any other way to describe it, I feel like I need to be cleansed ahaha) about what I put in my room as its strictly black, grey and white but this is so super cute! I also find the quality of Asda bedding is brilliant and so soft!
You can find it HERE for around £10

Wait, for the first time ever I have actually committed to only 5 products, this is a first, clicks for chloe haha! I hope this has been helpful and don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you're abso dying over this month!

Ebay Bargins! Haloween Eddition.

Friday, 7 October 2016

As an SFX artist Halloween is obviously one of my favourite times of the year, I say one of as I mean, nothing can really beat Christmas...which as you may or not have guessed already but I am overly excited for it! anyway, back to Halloween, * note to self, stop driving off topic*

I am a self proclaimed (if that's the right word) Ebay addict, its one of the things I find myself doing subconsciously when I'm bored and I mean, I don't know if ebaying can be classed a hobby but if I can, I'm Olympic level, no shame! Tell me you've found something for £21 on the high street, ill find it you for half the price on Ebay, so I decided why not share my finds with you all, and then maybe you can have them in your own watch lists for months on end just like me!

I'm hoping to do this as a bit of a series and I thought where better to start than with a Halloween edition....MWuhhhahaha...lets begin.

1) R H I N E S T O N E    K I T T Y    E A R S// £2.99

If you are a YouTube addict much like myself then by now you would have saw these super cute cat ear headbands, but not only are they adorable, they can also be used as a quick fix Halloween costume if you don't want to dress up too much, but still want to feel a little spooky...spooky? what am I even on about, nothing screams scary like some glittery kitten ears aye ahha but you get my jist!
you can get them HERE or by searching 'kitty headband'.


Would I be a real sfx aritsit without including a blood and gore SFX kit?! absolutely not! This was actually one of the first kits I brought when I started and I honestly still love all the tings, (spelling error but I lowkey found it hilarious) in it, especially the help booklet you get with it!
you can find it HERE or by searching 'snazaroo special fx kit'.

3) C H O K E R    N E C K L A C E // 99P

Another item that has been absolutely everywhere lately and again, over priced on the high street, I mean, its literally a bit of fabric, how can people be charging £10 +? These are great for all year round but great for Halloween!
you can find it HERE or by searching 'choker necklace'.

4)  B R I G H T   C O L O U R E D   W I G S // £3.97

One of the easiest ways to chuck together a DIY costume is with a bight coloured wig, and for £4 its probably one of the cheapest ways as well, be aware they are synthetic but for one night wear its probably not going to be a problem! These will also be great for insta makeup pics, I got you guys.
you can find it HERE or by searching 'pink wig'.

5) C H E A T E R   B O D Y S U I T // £5.89

Ebay honestly sells some great clothes, some better than others...a lot better, but when you find a good thing its almost like your first child being born, and with that said, I found this great bodysuit for under £6! My fave thing about this is that they actually do sizes over size 10, WHEY!
you can find it HERE of by searching 'bodysuit'.

6)  I  P H O N E   P H O N E    C A S E // £1.79

Last but not least, would it be autumn without a new autumnal phone case? I am honestly one of the clumsiest people ever so a phone case is a weekly you feel me? for £1.79 I think I may as well just buy every single one.
you can find it HERE  of by searching 'Halloween phone case'.

I always intend to only do 5 things and end up adding more, I found so much more but I did have to restrain myself! let me know if you enjoy this series so I can do more because I am DYING to do a beauty tools one. I'm planning on doing a lot of like 'wishlist'  type posts coming up to Christmas because I know the struggle of having absolutely no idea what to buy!

D I S C L A I M E R // You may be able to find some of these items  cheaper, if that's the case its most likely because the ones I have chosen are fast delivery or a UK distributor., alternatively, you are just a better searcher than me!

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