Mermaid Gift Guide

Monday, 18 December 2017

Of course I couldn’t do a unicorn gift guide without doing a mermaid one, what kind of monster do you take me for? I find myself spending most of my time searching for mermaid themed products anyway so I thought why not stick them all together in a post.

Mermaid Gift Guide

I hope you enjoy this post...or at least find it useful.

1) M E R M A I D   S L I P P E R S  // £16
You can find it HERE

2) M E R M A I D   B R U S H  C U P   // £3
So admittedly this is a tooth brush holder but it would be so good for brushes as well!
You can find it HERE

3) M E R M A I D   B A T H   T O W E L // £7
You can find it HERE

4) M E R M A I D  B L A N K E T // £19.99
You can find it HERE*

5) M E R M A I D  P J ‘s // £14
You can fine them HERE *

6) M E R M A I D  B R U S H E S // £59.99
 Ok so I know these brushes are a bit of a pinch but they are such good quality and I will rate spectrum till the day I die... slightly dramatic I know, but they’re the bomb digaty.
You can find them HERE

I defiantly favor mermaids over unicorn, and I could have made a gift guide purely for iridescent gifts, I’m obsessed! Let me know your favorite item in the comments.

Toodle Pip
This post contains affiliate links, these are marked with a ‘*’.

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